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Mātanga Reo - Join our Summer intake
10 February 2025

Learning te reo and tikanga is a serious pursuit. As with all endeavours of worth, consistent effort and focused intent precedes achievement and satisfaction.


Taking this journey is a decision not to be taken lightly. Once you make a quality decision to commit, we’ll teach you the rules, the strategic cultural game plan and how to play to win.


Speaking publicly at any forum that includes Māori, is fraught with risk for both Māori and Pākeha. You will learn how to not only mitigate the risk, but more importantly, to empower your cultural posture and brand.


Correct pronunciation is King as a top priority-so is time integration for busy productive efficiency. As an individual and for your organisation as a collective, you will accord cultural Integrity through informed leadership. This cultural integrity and intelligence will generate cultural connectivity with power brokers leading to key people networks who will open substantial opportunities; Key authentic relationships with whānau, hapū and iwi will follow.


Your choice to take immediate action will determine your ability to place value and priority on this undertaking, or not. We’ll collapse time, accord exponential and compounding gain, fine tune pronunciation and build from there. Leaders will understand this statement. It’s where the big dogs howl.


Mauri ora.

You can go directly to our Booking Calendar to set up a time for a Zoom meeting or fill out the form below for us to contact you about the best time for us to talk.

Join Mātanga Reo

When you fill out the form you'll get a link to book an appointment for a kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) meeting with the Reo Wizard.

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