100% correct te Reo Māori, 100% of the time
Tū Kaha Kāhui Ltd is a premium provider of te reo and tikanga Māori services.
We are committed to addressing unintentional bias by teaching people of all cultures. The course gives our students the skills needed to engage genuinely with Māori.
We specialise in mentoring industry professionals, Directors & Chief Executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, television/film personalities and politicians to help them in engaging with iwi across Aotearoa, New Zealand.
He kāhui manutaki / A cohort of leaders
We are a boutique business investing in your success. Our masterclasses present a premium product, led by language experts who specialise in working with the best.
Our Process
Step One We kōrero (chat).
Step Two We agree on a plan of action.
Step Three We work the plan together to get you where you need to be quickly.

Tohu / Logo
Black and white colouring represents a progression from darkness to light. Four notches on the feather represent kete wānanga, baskets of knowledge.
The Huia feather represents the need to take action so te reo Māori doesn’t become extinct like the Huia.
Tū Kaha Kāhui means to stand together with strength and unity.

Kaihautū / Directors
Piripi is from Waikato/Maniapoto and has over 40 years experience teaching te Reo Māori across all education sectors. He is a certificated Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, Māori Language Commission translator with extensive iwi, community, business and government agency liaison experience.
The reo Wizard, Piripi, is a master of his craft, (innovative, edgy, unconventional) with over four decades of experience specialising in accelerated language teaching techniques.
In particular, his understanding of the diverse needs of learners means he is able to quickly identify your pain points to provide immediate remedies.
His direct approach is built on quickly forming a relationship of trust to ensure you feel safe as you advance your experiential growth and capability.
Because of this, people flock to him quickly to remedy their te reo pain points:
We are coming to another very successful graduation of akonga which will allow us a fresh cohort.
Angela is ‘Nāti’ Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu and Kāi Tahu. In addition to extensive community, business and government agency liaison, she has been an iwi representative progressing kaupapa Māori initiatives at both local and national levels. Moko’s, Mana Whenua and Mana Tangata are everything to her.
He Korowai Tukutuku Reo / Why We Teach How We Teach
These kuia inspired the design of our accelerated te reo Māori course based on the principles of raranga, the art of weaving where we create organic communication patterns and codes in te reo. Te reo uses a series of time-eternal codes passed down by our tūpuna, ancestors. He Korowai Tukutuku Reo represents a platform of perfectly aligned and codified language.
Whiua ki te ao
Whiua ki te rangi
Whiua ki ngā iwi katoa

Spread it to the world
Spread it to the heavens
Spread it to all peoples
Ngoingoi Pēwhairangi QSM,
Te Whānau a Ruataupare
100% correct te Reo Māori, 100% of the time
Remember, the relationship you have with te reo is unique to you
We look forward to engaging with you in the very near future.
Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome!